"Hunger & Thirst" Album Release

It is with great pleasure to announce that we have released our debut album “Hunger & Thirst”. We are overwhelmed with everyone’s response to this album. We felt that we stepped out of our comfort zone and approached this in a different way than we ever have musically. With the major influence of cinematic scores to the overall topic of suffering, we were unsure how people would take it. This was an interesting cycle due to being a culmination of two bands and working with some of that material, while making it our own sound. People have banded together to allow us to have reached up to #10 on the iTunes Metal Album Chart earlier this week as an independent release from the small city of Monroe, LA. We can not thank you all enough. That goes out to everyone who has ever came to a show, streamed or purchased our music, or just encouraged us through this process.

This album represents many emotions and convictions. To be honest, we feel that a lot of what we’re saying is way over our heads. These are not truths and convictions that we are examples of but are striving to be examples of. We don’t say “woe to those at ease” because WE are living lives of selflessness and sacrifice and hope people follow in our footsteps. No, we proclaim that line as those that are slaves to comfort and ease ourselves. Which keeps us from living the life Christ lived which is that of suffering, cost, yet an ultimate joy.

We hope this record speaks to people in every unique context. While it may only be 31 minutes and 27 seconds long, it represents years of songwriting, member changes, and a lot of caffeine. Thank you to everyone that has continued to support us since the “They Will Fall” years and “Courier” beginnings, as well as all the new friendships and relationships that we have been able to establish since the decision to become “Weeping Hour.” A lot of minds and hands had a part in this record.

Special Thanks to: Austin Knies for being an amazing friend and a lyrical genius that has left a major mark on this record and our lives; Jonathan Dolese and Marcus Noel from Konkrete Studios for amazing production, professionalism, input, and intentionality; Brett Gardner for these fantastic drum recordings; Paul Ware and Charles Dew for having vision and creating a visual aspect for us that we are captivated by. We consider you all great friends and can not wait to see where your talents lead you.

“In Hunger And Thirst, I must go on.”







This is the hour in which we are given

Siphoning sands hold us into submission

What shall we foster through our affliction

What is the purpose of universal attrition


Would I be prideful to think that I have the answers

To believe I don't deserve to suffer

A mortal wailing in frustration at the face of the Eternal

We cry out


There is beauty in torment

Sharers of suffering

Community in correlation

Sharers of sustenance


The holes in your hands

Illustrate design

When those holes exist in mine



We plead for purpose

As we chase the wind

So keep us weeping

Lest we forget


Lovers of Earth

Sowing our seeds

Quenching our thirst

Pleading for purpose

Comfortably groaning

Trivial end


We cry out under this load of oppression


There is beauty in torment

Sharers of suffering

Community in correlation

Sharers of sustenance


The holes in your hands

Illustrate design

When those holes exist in mine


We plead for purpose

As we chase the wind

So keep us weeping

Lest we forget



Have I learned from my taste of torment

Have I learned from my glimpse of tragedy

Is there any understanding that I have gained from the nightmares I've seen with my own eyes

Or is this the matrimony of sorrow and selfishness

Am I coping to live, or am I living to cope


Few and evil have been the days of the years of my life

Resentment led me to the point of no return

Where I’m reminded of the lessons that I never learned

But it's a rumor of wisdom to which I cling

Provision is deserved and consolation is guaranteed


I will groan with breaking heart and bitter grief

I think we learn through contrast

But what happens when we face a calamity

Groan with breaking heart and bitter grief

I think we see the truth in the differences

But what will we believe


God, there's only so much black-and-white

So what will be the dividing wall between us next

We find solace as we polarize

Then at least we know what divides us

Bias is an opiate


It’s so easy just to settle for the pity of man than grow from hardship

I’ll advertise my struggle

I’ll make an enemy out of anyone who disagrees

Call me a victim of my own adversity

Pay attention


I will groan with breaking heart and bitter grief

If ignorance is bliss, then wisdom is the end of me


Am I coping to live or am I living to cope

Wisdom is the end of me

God, there's only so much black-and-white

So what will be the dividing wall between us next 

We find solace as we polarize

Then at least we know what divides us

Bias is an opiate






Say goodbye to the reassurance you crave

Surrender seemed sensible until it cost you everything

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?


With foundations of scattered sand

Stability becomes a sacrament

What if we questioned our motives instead of defending our vices?

Let us weep until we starve from hunger

Let us mourn until we die of thirst


Remember, branches were broken off so that we might be grafted in

Yet we justify our priorities by building a foreign flame

In the case that the cause would not carry on, in the case that our passion might wear thin

Deaf ears, will you ever listen?

Blind eyes, will you ever have vision?

Tell me, faithful, does God ever mention

A remedy for lost conviction

When you have nowhere left to go

When no amount of self-indulgence is enough to feed your shallow soul

When it’s not hypothetical

When you come face-to-face with what keeps you awake at night?


In utter blasphemy we say

“Shall we not drink the cup the Father has given us?”

And what noble intent!

Christ, we’re mesmerized by your words, but did we misread your lips?

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?


You’ll agree that apathy is debilitating; it brings our darkest day

Yet selflessness was admirable before our lives became rearranged


Sometimes I think we’re all lost


Sometimes I think we’re all lost and we’re just mindlessly repeating

We dream of sacrificial living while we toss and turn in peace

We’re just mindlessly repeating

We let pleasure dictate purpose as we grow in unbelief

We’re just mindlessly repeating

Regurgitate and sleep

We don’t comprehend what it means to breathe


Regurgitate and sleep

Will we ever comprehend what it means to breathe?

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?



What if the lens with which I wish to see the world

Distorted my perspective, replacing reality


Take the family religion away

Let my worldview change

Call me an apostate

Remind me I’m depraved

Strip me of my morality

Create the context so that I can see the truth


Despite the fear that I will be abandoned

I have not been given over to death

My heart has not been hardened


But I’ve shed tears of blood merely praying for protection

What would I understand without discipline

And what unknown distress has grace kept far from me

With no contention to bring

In hunger and thirst, I must go on


I’ve learned the hard way that there is no relief in one-step theology

My vantage point no longer means a thing to me


What if the lens with which I wish to see the world

Distorted my perspective, replacing reality

Take the family religion away

Let my worldview change

Call me an apostate

Remind me I’m depraved

Strip me of my morality


And if the Son of Man must suffer, how much less do I deserve to be exempt

Create the context so that I can see the truth


What would I understand without discipline

and what unknown distress has grace kept far from me

With no contention to bring

In hunger and thirst, I must go on


So take the traditions away

And let my worldview change

Show me beauty in contrast

Create the context so that I can see the truth 


I will welcome affliction yet again

I will embrace despair once more

And if I speak

I will speak of the things that show my weakness

In hunger and thirst, I must go on



Let the choirs of man sing


“Woe to those at ease, who search for comfort in luxury”

“Woe to those at ease, who are satisfied by the simple things”


Christ, is this the message that you wanted to send?

Can you explain what you meant when you said

“The Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head”


God, I want to stay at home. I’d like to bury my father and grow old

I don’t belong on the road, but in this small-town subculture, where we pretend everything is done

In your name…in Your precious, holy name

We say we’ve tasted and seen, but You’ve caught us slumbering


God, let me stay asleep

Don’t wake me as long as the devil breathes

Aren’t you concerned for my safety?

(Stay asleep, stay asleep, stay asleep...)


Woe to those at ease, who trust a life of complacency

Woe to those at ease. We are sanctified by suffering

As the choirs in hell sing, “Woe to those at ease”




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